Maximize the Value to your clients...become a REferral partner
Unlock new opportunities for growth and revenue with a trusted business consultant and Fractional COO who specializes in complementary service areas.
Become a referral partner Today!
Let's talk…
Don't Settle For Just anyone
You would want to refer your clients to us because…
→ We are trustworthy and you believe that your clients would benefit from working with us.
→ We have a strong relationship and we want to mutually support each of our businesses.
→ It enhances your own reputation to refer clients to a reputable and respected business consultant and Fractional COO.
→ We share similar values and business ethic, and you want to help businesses that are aligned with us both.
→ Referring clients to us creates a win-win-win scenario where your client wins, you win and we win.
referral readiness
How do you know when to refer our services?
Knowing when to make the referral, whether it's a current or future need, is key to a successful referral.
Click the button below to download your copy of our Referral Booster Cheat Sheet: 11 Helpful Facts for Knowing When to Refer Our Services.
- Maximize Client Satisfaction
- Improve Referral Success Rate
- Enhance Business Reputation
11 Helpful Facts For Knowing When To Refer Our Services
The pain points my ideal clients are suffering with are:
No available time or bandwidth to focus on strategic goals | Difficulty in growing and scaling the business | Increasing operating costs and cashflow challenges | Difficulty finding and retaining qualified employees | Inability to delegate tasks | Lack of business processes
What time periods are most likely for prospects to need me?
We service our clients all year long.
What specific network groups are most likely to need me or refer me?
Professional Associations | Entrepreneur or Small Business Groups | Business Networking Groups (both online and offline) | Industry Specific Groups | Local Community Groups
The roles/titles of my ideal decision makers are:
Founder | Business Owner | CEO/COO/SMO | Executive Leader
The reason ideal prospects would select me over others is: (My UVP is):
I have a unique ability to strategically assess a complex situation, quickly identify existing blind spots and obstacles, create effective solutions, and leverage strengths and opportunities. I become your dedicated partner, always putting your success first with unwavering integrity.
What life or career changes are happening for my ideal prospects?
Starting a new business | Rapid business growth | Steady or sudden business decline | Transitioning to retirement or sale of business | Need to adapt to new technologies or industry trends | Remote working | Changes in personal life
The current circumstances my ideal prospects are likely to be going through are:
Decrease in revenue | Increase in Operating costs | Staff shortage Difficulty with order delivery and fulfillment | Increased competition | E- Commerce digitization | Remote sales and customer engagement | Pressure to adopt technology | Financing and cash flow
What geography is critical, relevant for someone to refer me?
I’m located in Orange County and can meet in person throughout Southern California | I’m willing to travel if needed. | I’m available for phone calls and Zoom with no restrictions.
My unique skills and superpowers are:
Energizing and comforting others | Creating solutions to complex situations | Synthesizing complex scenarios | Breaking through the noise and capturing the essence | Simplifying complexity into simple step-by-step details | Data visualization and story-telling
The buzz words you might hear my ideal prospects use are:
Scaling up or Scaling Challenges | Cashflow or financial management | Delegation or “Letting Go of Control” | Strategic Planning or Long-Term Goals | Work-Life Balance or Time Management | Hiring and Retaining Talent | E- Commerce or Digitization | Remote Working or Virtual Teams
These are common complaints you’d hear my ideal prospects make:
“I don't have time to focus on growing my business, I'm just trying to keep my head above water.” | “I can't seem to let go of control; I end up doing everything myself.” | “I don't have a clear direction for my business, I'm just going through the motions.” | “I can't find or keep good employees, it's hard to find the right fit.” | “I'm struggling to manage my finances and cash flow.” | “I can't seem to get a handle on my business processes, I don't know what's working and what's not.” | “I feel like I'm falling behind in my industry, I don't know what new technologies or trends I should be adopting.” | “I'm having trouble connecting with my customers in a remote environment, it's harder to generate sales and create a relationship.” | “I'm finding it difficult to scale my business and keep up with customer demand.”
Business Consulting
Fractional COO
Operational Efficiency
Productivity Improvement
Our Specialties
All things Operations.
Get In Touch to discuss your needs.
Supply Chain Strategy & Implementation
Post-Merger Integration
Inventory Control
…And much much more!